
Affiliate Program
You can resell our products with your own designs. Just sign up for a store here:
In A Flash Laser provides fulfilment through the DecoNetwork ecommerce platform.
The system is very versatile and allows you to totally customize the look of your site and the product designs that you offer.
There is one thing you cannot do without our help - add totally new products to our system. For example, if you want to sell purple wine glasses laser engraved with your artwork and don't see purple wine glasses available, you'll need to contact us first so we can add them to the store.
Please do contact us with any item requests! We're happy to expand our offersings and welcome your suggestions.
As you add your artwork designs and decorated products to the back end, this home page will auto-populate with them. You can also add additional pages to the site.
Have fun, and if you have any questions at any time, please email Sara -- info@inaflashlaser.com
Artist Series
Want to customize something but don't know what to put on it?
Check out these designs by our awesome artists.